Title: A Voice Without Perspective
Medium: Mixed Media - Sound, sculpture, installation
A Voice Without Perspective explores the relationship between communication and concealment that aims to form a physical and imaginative aspect of an empty space through soundings and visual sculptures. The latter creates a new compact space in order for public interaction. The concerns of an empty space (physically and mentally) existing within an occupied space allows the projection of live soundings of memories and time to open up a further physical and mental state of being as the viewer is invited to type whatever they wish to be heard; the unspoken however only the sound of the pressing of the keys will be amplified but accompanied with site specific communication.
It may be the unheard, the unspoken or the broken, but there is always a voice. A phone call, a passing radio inside a moving vehicle, a conversation, a disturbance, a whisper, or a hush. The voice does not belong to anyone, the voice is material that can be controlled with dynamics and thought. Spatial relations and visuality form a tangible past aiming to be touched and reconnected with. Elements of language are pulled apart however communication exists inevitably.
Medium: Mixed Media - Sound, sculpture, installation
A Voice Without Perspective explores the relationship between communication and concealment that aims to form a physical and imaginative aspect of an empty space through soundings and visual sculptures. The latter creates a new compact space in order for public interaction. The concerns of an empty space (physically and mentally) existing within an occupied space allows the projection of live soundings of memories and time to open up a further physical and mental state of being as the viewer is invited to type whatever they wish to be heard; the unspoken however only the sound of the pressing of the keys will be amplified but accompanied with site specific communication.
It may be the unheard, the unspoken or the broken, but there is always a voice. A phone call, a passing radio inside a moving vehicle, a conversation, a disturbance, a whisper, or a hush. The voice does not belong to anyone, the voice is material that can be controlled with dynamics and thought. Spatial relations and visuality form a tangible past aiming to be touched and reconnected with. Elements of language are pulled apart however communication exists inevitably.